Doctorate / PhD

There is an expected 8% increase in the number of individuals needed by Missouri employers who hold Ph.D. or Doctorate degrees in their area of expertise. In a state with a population of just over 6 million people, this news couldn’t be better. Doctoral degrees allow an individual to teach in their specific area of study, giving them the highest honors of achievement. While at one time it was necessary that one spend six to eight years in an institute of higher learning, earning a doctoral degree is now easier than ever. Missouri online colleges make it possible to get this degree without making huge life sacrifices in the process.

Doctoral/PH.D. Programs in Missouri

There are so many Missouri online colleges to choose from offering a full line of Ph.D. degrees you can earn. Some of the exciting opportunities you may find interesting include:

  • Ph.D. in Nursing
  • Architectural Studies
  • Doctor of Education
  • Ph.D. in Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Doctor of Psychology

These areas are among the most common doctoral degrees pursued in Missouri, and while it is more than possible to choose one of these areas, there are just as many other exciting opportunities that await you when you attend online universities in Missouri.

University of Missouri-Columbia is one college offering online courses leading to a doctoral degree. There are more than 75 different courses to choose from through this school, and it is one of the most popular in the state.

Other Missouri online college choices available to you include:

  • Missouri Baptist University
  • Saint Louis University
  • Rockhurst University
  • Southwest Baptist University
  • Kansas City University

You will find that all of these online colleges in Missouri offer the education that you are looking for, putting you ahead of the class when it is time to advance your future. Whether you choose one of these Missouri online colleges or another of the great schools you can do so with confidence, knowing you are getting the education you deserve.

Is a Missouri Online College Right for you?

Online universities in Michigan can help most any student achieve great success with a Doctoral degree in their given subject. If you are ready to take the next step toward a successful future, attendance at one of the great online colleges in Missouri is definitely worth considering.

In order to attend Missouri online colleges to earn a Doctoral degree, you must have already earned a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in your area of expertise. It is also required that a computer with Internet connection be available. Keep in mind that attending online universities in Missouri gives you the freedom to go to school on your own time, whether it is day or night, weekday or weekend. Homework assignments, lectures, exams and tests are assigned, however, and deadlines must be met for these items.

If you have a busy life or simply cannot fathom sitting inside of a classroom for another year, online colleges in Missouri could be just what you are looking for. These colleges make it as simple as possible to get your doctoral degree, even if you already have a busy schedule.

Going back to College

Think that going to online colleges in Missouri is simply a waste of time? Think again! Individuals who hold Doctoral degrees in any given subject are respected members of the community. They have the power to choose from a large selection of jobs and never need to worry about becoming part of the 7% unemployment rate the state currently holds. The unemployment rates for those holding Doctoral degrees are only about 1%. Above all else, holding a Doctoral degree will result in a feeling of self-accomplishment, excellent earnings, growth potential, and so much more.

There is nothing more fulfilling than knowing that you have reached your full potential, and this is exactly what earning a Doctoral degree from one of the amazing Missouri online universities can do for you. The online universities in Missouri provide the same high-quality education as attending a school on campus, minus all of the hassles.

Should you earn a Doctoral degree, there is an exciting job waiting for you no matter where you are at in the great state of Missouri. Once you have a Doctoral degree in your hands, you can expect to earn at least $20,000 more than those who hold only a Master’s degree. Some of the most popular places of employment for those holding Ph.D. degrees include:

  • St. Anthony’s Hospital
  • University of Missouri
  • Exxon Mobile
  • Ernst & Young

Could you see yourself working at one of these employers? These are only a few of the potential places of employment available, and if you answered yes,take the first step by connecting with online colleges in Missouri right away! Your future is in your hands and those hands will be wide open for possibilities once you have your Doctoral degree.