
Would you like a career that offers you all that you could ever want or need? Would you like to be recognized for your hard work with above average pay, prestige, and the amazing feeling that comes with doing something you love each and every day? If you answered yes to these questions, earning your Bachelor’s degree is something you should consider! Just think; in four short years, you could be graduating from Missouri online colleges and working your way into a fantastic job in one of many exciting fields. Take a look at just a few of the fields you can earn a degree in:

  • Business
  • Medical/HealthCare
  • Computer Technology
  • Computer Engineering
  • Psychology
  • Computer Programming

Missouri residents who earn a Bachelor’s degree are 50% less likely to become unemployed. Currently, the unemployment rate in the state stands at just over 7%. When you take the time to attend online universities in Missouri,you’ll greatly decrease the odds of becoming among the unemployed in the state. Going to Missouri online colleges to earn a Bachelor’s degree is a convenient way to earn the degree of your choice and begin your successful career.

Bachelor’s Degree and Missouri Positions

Bachelor’s degrees in Missouri are degrees that get you noticed! When you submit a resume that includes this type of education, you can almost always expect a callback. Your career can take you to unimaginable places in a short amount of time if you set your sights on achieving your goals. There are many large and desirable employers found within the state of Missouri, and upon graduation from online universities in Missouri, you could find yourself employed within one of these organizations in short order. These opportunities are available from St. Louis to Joplin and everywhere in between and include:

  • Anheuser Busch

Positions at Anheuser Busch include clerical, production, and more. Those with a Bachelor’s degree are twice as likely to find themselves with a productive role at one of Missouri’s largest employers.

  • DST Systems

DST provides computer software support and service to local businesses in the area. Positions within this company provide employees with above average pay.

  • Citigroup

Citigroup is a large financial services corporation with positions ranging from Accounting to Analysts and more.

  • Express Scripts

Express Scripts is one of the state’s largest pharmaceutical companies, offering many positions for pharmacy technicians.

  • Graybar Electric

Graybar is one of Missouri’s largest providers of electricity. They offer above average pay and great long-term working positions for men and women holding Bachelor’s degrees.

  • Exxon Mobile

Exxon Mobile serves as an industry leader in energy, oil, and gas production. With headquarters in Missouri, this company offer positions to the most highly qualified of individuals.


Located in Clayton, Missouri, Olin has been around for more than 100 years, offering chlor alkali products. They are the 3rd largest producer in the United States.

  • Valer Energy

Another large electrical and energy supplier in the state, Valor Energy, also hires individuals with a four-year degree.

These are just a few of the many employers scattered throughout the state actively seeking Bachelor degree holders. As you can see, there are a wide range of top companies included in this list, offering just as many different opportunities for interested candidates.

How to Earn a Degree Online

When enrolling in a Missouri online college, you are making a wise decision for your future. Classes take place online by way of videos, CDs, lecture, books, and more, giving you the freedom to attend classes on your own hour. Online colleges in Missouri are offered for all who have graduated high school and want to take their education further. The process of applying for admission into online colleges in Missouri is similar to applying at a regular college, only everything is completed via the computer. You will need to fill out an application and send it to the college of your choice along with high school transcripts. Some colleges may require an entrance exam or pre-requisites before accepting you into the school.

Tuition costs for online universities in Missouri are often lower than that of traditional colleges with a larger availability of classes and schedules. If you qualify for financial aid, you’ll be happy to know that it is accepted at most of the Missouri online universities around.

Although there are few requirements for attendance at Missouri online colleges, in order to be successful, you must be the kind of student who is dedicated to study and maintain good grades without a teacher standing over you all day. A computer with Internet connection is also needed as well as time to study and take exams. If you have these basic essentials, then attending online colleges in Missouri could be the best decision you’ll ever make!

Missouri Online Colleges Make Things Brighter

When you obtain a Bachelor’s degree in Missouri, you can rest assured that a bright and filling future is ahead of you. There are so many exciting reasons to work towards obtaining this four-year degree, and now that Missouri online universities are available, there are so many more opportunities to choose from.